Some facts about Dancesport Info

DancesportInfo.Net is easily the fastest growing, and the most innovative dancing international website in the world. It is also currently the definitive information site in the dancing world today. They say that imitation is the sincerest form of flattery - if this is true then nothing proves our lead more than the fact that several websites continually copy results and ideas from DancesportInfo. Our staff is dedicated to continually enhance the content of the site and the services, always keeping the innovation going.

DancesportInfo currently (april 2024)

  • accessible in 20 languages

  • ...contains a results database of 47 859 competitions from 97 countries (758 960 events and 7 249 605 individual results)

  • ...has 1 256 877 photos from 4 336 competitions (9 242 events with photo galleries). 33 416 couples have their photos assigned to them.

  • ...has 64 regularly contributing photographers

  • ...has a very active forum with thousands of registered users (though most of our visitors are not registered users)

  • ...has a partner wanted database of currently over 24 895 registered dancers

  • ...has been visited from 148 countries, 120900 different computers in the last 2 months. Our average daily Page Impression during this period was 301368 (with a peak of 526690), the average number of single visits (session) was 22923 (with a peak of 29808). Our yearly growth rate is around 250% - we more than double the number of our visitors each year

  • ...has an audience that spans the entire world - from Europe, to the Americas, to Asia, to Australia.

Unlike other websites, we can give you access to detailed statistics of our site, which not only proves the data provided above, but will help you find geographical information on our visitors and their patterns of browsing.

Current services for our visitors:

  • The world's leading result service
  • Current news, interviews with top dancers and coaches and articles.
  • A lively discussion forum
  • A technically advance partner search, where you can find your ideal partner with just a few clicks
  • An extensive couple and dancer database, which allows checking how a partnership evolved over time, and its results.
  • A graphical comparison of the results of two events or two couples
  • A mathematical rating system, similar to the ELO system used in chess. According to our results, we can rate the quality of couples, competitions and events.
  • The web's largest dancer photo gallery - with nearly all our photos assigned to a couple, and which and can be found, organized and displayed according to competition, couple, photographer or event.

Our policy is sincerity. We do not allow any unverified information to enter our database or news, because we believe that it is important to be credible. Similarly, all the data above can be confirmed either on our public site, or by requesting a login from us to the online traffic analysis database.

Some technical information

Almost all dancing websites currently on the internet are �hosted' on a small, hired fragment of a computer server connected to the rest of the internet. Since we want to offer our visitors only the very best, and due to the complexity of our code, Dancesport Info uses two high-performance servers, which allow us to provide the fast response our visitors are so used to, and to be fully independent of any other websites.

The whole site is programmed in the .Net environment, using the latest technology from Microsoft. We do not use inferior, free database engines to store and access our extensive information base, but the fastest available database server SQL Server.

This database is currently over 600 MB in size. This means that, if it were printed off, it would take up a staggering 300,000 sheets of A4 paper - or in other words, a stack 30 metres (9 storeys) high.

Our bandwidth usage is currently over 800 GB per month, which is 80 times more than the average bandwidth allowed by appropriate provider for standard websites, an equivalent to 8,000,000 photos (in the largest size we have available for public display).

Since Dancesport Info is accessed 24 hours a day from every single continent in the world (except for Antarctica yet), we must and do maintain an outstanding 99.9% up-time. This means that our site would, at most and only very rarely be unavailable 0.1% of the time (less than 87 seconds a day, if even that). This is independently guaranteed by an SLA (Service Level Agreement) we have signed with the data centre our servers are located in.
